Wacky Wednesday!


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Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Join Toni and Des for a wacky fun-filled adventure! Each week we'll be taking a deep dive into a new topic. Together, let's learn, discuss, and make something cool! 

This program is for children aged 11-15.

For the month of August we will be posting weekly challenges. Complete them at your own pace and in any order. After you are done, email the library to let us know which challenge you have completed. Please give your name and phone number.

We would love to see your finished projects so send us pictures if you would like!

Each completed challenge will give you another ballot for our Summer Reading Game draw.

Please email the library at staff@canmorelibrary.ab.ca

Check the drop downs for each week's topic. We will post resources to use during and after the program.

Let's ease into this summer with some simple crafts! Grab some paper and join us on Zoom! Together, let's learn to make our very own origami Yodas, animal companions, and fortune tellers.

You will need:

  • Paper (square paper is best, but we'll show you how to turn printer/notebook paper into squares)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers

PSST, we have a secret message for you……

Do you have what it takes to be one of Canmore Public Library's Super-Secret Spies? Join us as we crack codes, dust for fingerprints, and identify the suspects. So, put on your darkest sunglasses and overcoat and let’s get spying!

Materials you will need to successfully gather fingerprints:

  • Honey or glue stick
  • Baby powder or corn starch
  • Makeup brush
  • Coloured paper (preferably a darker colour)
  • Clear tape


Part 1 of Stop Motion Animation will focus on FlipaClips.

Do you have dreams of hearing your name announces at the Oscars for best animated film?

Well, let us help you get a taste of animated movie production!

Join us for an introduction to stop motion and flip animation. We will discuss tips & tricks for beginners, review Apps, and share some great beginning projects on our YouTube channel.

To be a successful director you will need:

  • Smartphone or tablet (for the apps)
  • Stop Motion Studio and FlipaClip FREE APPS -please install and set up accounts before class
  • Display board for background
  • Objects to animate
  • Tripod or stand to keep camera steady
  • Stop motion storyboard

Part 2 of Stop Motion Animation will focus on the Stop Motion Studio.

Do you have dreams of hearing your name announces at the Oscars for best animated film?

Well, let us help you get a taste of animated movie production!

Join us for an introduction to stop motion and flip animation. We will discuss tips & tricks for beginners, review Apps, and share some great beginning projects on our YouTube channel.

To be a successful director you will need:

  • Smartphone or tablet (for the apps)
  • Stop Motion Studio and FlipaClip FREE APPS -please install and set up accounts before class
  • Display board for background
  • Objects to animate
  • Tripod or stand to keep camera steady
  • Stop motion storyboard

This summer, let's make our planet a little greener. You know the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Now let's add a U for Upcycle. Upcycling is the practice of taking an old item and transforming it into something new.

We challenge you to complete an upcycling project.

Whether it be transforming old, torn clothes into something wearable, a cute craft made out of Amazon boxes, or something totally unique to you, we would love to see it!

Need some upcycling inspiration? Check out some of these links:

Curious about other ways to go green? These videos have some great information!

Though their stingers might be scary, you shouldn't bee (get it?) afraid of bees! Honeybees, bumblebees, and the other types of bees you might find in your backyard are super important to the ecosystem. Bees are pollinators. As they fly from flower to flower collecting nectar for their hives, they spread pollen to different plants. This pollen helps plants grow! Without bees to spread pollen, many plants would not grow.

Do you want to help the bees do their job? Like all animals, they need food, water, and shelter to survive.

This week, we challenge you to build a bee hotel.

Bee hotels give bees a place to rest on their journey from garden to garden. Some types of bees are solitary - they live alone - so a hotel gives them a nice place to make their home.

Ready to get started? Try following one of these tutorials to make your own bee hotel!

Want to learn more about bees? Check out these links!

How do bees communicate?

Want to check out some bee books?

Have you ever loved a story, up until the ending? The heroes win, yes, but it just feels like there should have been more to it? Well, this is your chance to take your favourite stories into your own hands!

We challenge you to retell a story in your own way.

Make up a new ending! Add a new character! Maybe change it from a novel to a graphic novel with your own illustrations! The choice is yours.

But what should your story redo look like? Take some inspiration from these ideas!

  • Write a fanfiction to make changes to the original story
  • Draw some fanart of how you envision the ending
  • Create a short video with your changes - try 2D animation, stop-motion, or live-action! Recreate the characters and story or just tell us your version of the story

Check out some of these videos for more information! Do you know the history of fanfiction?

Try some of these titles if you like this concept!

The sun is a part of our everyday lives, but how much do you know about the star at the centre of our solar system? The sunlight that brightens our world can also provides other types of energy! You can feel the effects of this solar energy if you spend too much time outside without sunscreen - those sunburns sure ouch!

Let's try to experience the power of solar energy without leaving a mark on our skin.

We challenge you to complete a solar powered craft or experiment.

There are many types of activities you can accomplish with just a hot, sunny day and some household objects. But if you are feeling ambitious, why not try using a solar panel to complete some of these experiments?

Check out these links for some ideas:

Done experimenting? Learn about how solar power might be used in the future!

Event dates

  • Every week on Wednesday ends on August 26, 2020, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.